Monday, October 6, 2008

First Quarter Outside Reading Book Review Twilight by Stephanie Meyers; Little, Brown and Co. 2005

The book Twilight, by Stephanie Meyer, was an incredible work of fiction. The storyline of a new girl in town falling in love with a vampire, although it might come across as cheesy, was told in a captivating way, with rich details and authentic dialogue. Stephanie Meyer made her rather fictional characters come to life and as the plot unfurled, her novel was hard to put down.
In the beginning, Bella Swan moves to Forks, Washington, a small town that rains year round, to live with her father. She meets Edward Cullen, who’s said to come from a family of vampires, although no one seems to have proof. He saves her life numerous times- once before a car hit her, another time when three men were chasing her, and few other times as well. Bella and Edward have a strong attraction for one another, and you see that throughout the book. Reading on, you see that they fall in love. As the book comes to the last couple hundred pages, a huge conflict occurs. Out of nowhere, three vampires, who do drink humans’ blood, appear, in peace; at first. But it soon becomes clear that one of them, James, is a tracker. This means that he’s a vampire who, when he knows whom he wants, he searches and tricks and finds them and gets what he wants. When the three vampires come across Bella, who is with Edward and his family of vampires at the time, he decides he wants Bella; he wants her blood. This begins an intense chase, the Cullens desperately trying to outsmart James to keep Bella safe.
“Twilight is an extraordinary love story that will stay with you long after you turn the last page.”
Twilight was written in the first person point of view, as Bella. Her writing is so vivid; it easily takes your imagination for a ride, making you feel what the main character of the book feels. I’ve never read a romance novel this intense; compared to the typical, predictable, everyday teenage romance novel, Twilight is something completely different.
"Even more, I had never meant to love him. One thing I truly knew - knew it in the pit of my stomach, in the center of my bones, knew it from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, knew it deep in my empty chest - was how love gave someone the power to break you. I'd been broken beyond repair.”
I loved the book Twilight. It was a romance with the twist of action involved. I’d never read Stephanie Meyer’s books before, but now that i have, I can’t wait to read the next book in the series. After reading her work, I don’t think any other teenage romance will ever compare. Her writing style was intriguing and the storyline was unique.

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