Thursday, February 5, 2009

Short Story Reflection Questions

1. The greatest change was how the story ended and what the big conflict was- in the beginning, Mei was only going to have to choose whether or not to go to America, but as I was writing, I added in the plane crash, etc.
2. The msot helpful editing was probably the peer editing on the packet they had to fill out- it was also helpful just hearinf from friends and peers what they thought of my story like what stood out or what they thought should be changed- no 'official' editing.
3. I'm not sure what the story's strength is- hopefully it seems real enough to believe and enough details are evident.
4. For students (next year) writing short stories, my advice would be to plan out the story well, number of words, details, setting, etc. and if that all changes in the process, then that's fine too. But planning and having a basic idea of what you want the story's plot and stuff to be is very helpful. Also, make sure you have a good word limit.

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