Thursday, February 5, 2009

Vocab Words (Short Story)

1. arboreal- (adj.) relating to trees
-The word 'arboreal' is used in this story to describe the way the commons were that Mei and Greg walk through.
2. benevolence- (n.) act of kindness
-The word 'benevolence' was used as a substitute for Greg's family's act of kindness in taking Mei in for a couple of nights.
3. amicable- (adj.) friendly or agreeable
-Mei was an amicable girl.
4. unheralded- (adj.) unannounced or unexpected
-The death of Mei's parents was more unheralded than it should have been.
5. effluvia- (n.) an offensive smell
-When the plane crashes, Mei experiences an effluvia, before she blacks out.
6. disseminated- (v.) spread far and wide
-At th recreational center, the other families that Mei observed were disseminated in the large room.
7. paltry- (adj.) samll or worthless
-This word describes the dragon that Mei receives from her unknown aunt and uncle.
8. bevy- (n.) group
-There was a bevy of children living in each surviving home after the war.
9. irrevocable- (adj.) unchangeable
-As the plane was crashing, its speed was irrevocable.
10. placid- (adj.) calm
-Mei's personality was also placid.
11. acute- (adj.) sharp pain
-The acute pain was her ears popping as the plane descnded.
12. alleviate- (v.) lessen or reduce
-Mei hoped to alleviate the stress that had been put on Jai Li since tkaing in ten children.
13. anulled- (adj.) destroyed
-The plane was anulled after the crash.
14. cumulus- (n.) thick cloud
-The day was clear with a few cumulus clouds in the sky.

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